The Cumberland & Falmouth Farmers Market is committed to supporting locally grown and produced foods, handcrafted goods and services that meet our customer high expectations while working harmoniously together. The Market brings Falmouth & Cumberland the very best and freshest of the season.

What’s in season?

Though weather and other factors can impact crop availability, there are generally particular times of the year when you can buy certain fruits and vegetables. We recommend consulting The Maine Federation of Farmers’ Markets website here

Can I sell my produce at the market?

Only accepted members of the Cumberland & Falmouth Farmers Market may sell at the market. If you are a farmer who would like to apply to join the market, please consult our MEMBERSHIP section.

Can I sell my baked goods, jellies or sauces at the market?

Only accepted members of the Cumberland & Falmouth Farmers Market may sell at the market. Additionally, the state of Maine requires certain licensing to sell any food product from an inspected kitchen. If you are a food producer who would like to apply to join the market, please consult our MEMBERSHIP section.

Can I sell my crafts or art at the market?

Only accepted members of the Cumberland & Falmouth Farmers Market may sell at the market. We welcome crafts and art of the highest caliber if you have made it yourself. We do not allow reselling of any crafts or art not produced by you. If you are an artist or artisan who would like to apply to join the market, please consult our MEMBERSHIP section.

Can I take photos or videos at the farmers market?

Yes, please do. Tag us on Facebook (@CumberlandFalmouthFarmMarket) or Instagram (# CumberlandFalmouthFarmMarket) too! Just remember to always ask the vendor or customer and please do not interrupt or block other customers or sales. If you are with a professional photographer or video crew, are making a commercial or documentary or plan to use the footage as part of a campaign or news report we ask you contact us prior to your arrival to discuss guidelines and procedures.

Are dogs or cats allowed at the market?

Our markets are pet-friendly. Please be mindful of your pets and clean up messes promptly. Pet owners should keep pets on short leashes and follow all local town ordinances.

How can I contact a vendor directly?

Visit our VENDOR section which has specific contact info for all our vendors. Alternatively, visit our CONTACT section and complete the online form and a market member will get back to you as soon as possible.

Is the market hiring for any jobs?

We do not currently have any job openings.